Corría unha bóla de palla do deserto de Arizona onde antes se escoitaba o balbordo dos perfís de Facebook e Twitter. Pero choveu e o verde comezou a asomar. Era outra subespecie de herba. Hoxe aprendín a diferenciar o carballo albar do carballo negro e do carballo carballo. A primeira sensación despois do momento give up é que o tempo se ensancha e se estira e se estende. Veremos como segue o proceso.
There was a ball of straw running through the Arizona Desert where until then everything was noise from Facebook and Twitter. Nevertheless, it started raining and the grass appeared. Another kind of grass. Today I learn to distinguish between quercus petrae, quercus pyrenaica and quercus robur. My first feeling after the give-up experience is an elongation and widening of the time. Let's see how the process goes on.
There was a ball of straw running through the Arizona Desert where until then everything was noise from Facebook and Twitter. Nevertheless, it started raining and the grass appeared. Another kind of grass. Today I learn to distinguish between quercus petrae, quercus pyrenaica and quercus robur. My first feeling after the give-up experience is an elongation and widening of the time. Let's see how the process goes on.
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