2 de decembro de 2005

Concert al Palau de la Música

Concerto no Palau de la Música


Ho sento si sóc redundant amb el tema <a href="http://aouriceira.blogsome.com/go.php?http://www.marlango.net/web/es/prensa_12.htm">Watling, però és que dimarts vaig gaudir del possiblement millor concert de la meva vida. El <a href="http://aouriceira.blogsome.com/go.php?http://www.palaumusica.org">palau, les llums, el xilòfon, el piano, el trombó, Leonor tan maca… tot va sonar meravellós.

Sí, hi ha vida més enllà de la <a href="http://aouriceira.blogsome.com/go.php?http://www.monografias.com/trabajos11/vidrio/vidrio.shtml">importància econòmica del vidre i la <a href="http://aouriceira.blogsome.com/go.php?http://www.alken-murray.com/Phophorous.html">geoquímica del fòsfor.

Sinto ser redundante co tema <a href="http://aouriceira.blogsome.com/go.php?http://www.marlango.net/web/es/prensa_12.htm">Watling, mais é que o martes gocei do posiblemente mellor concerto da miña vida. O <a href="http://aouriceira.blogsome.com/go.php?http://www.palaumusica.org">pazo, as luces, o xilófono, o piano, Leonor tan riquiña… todo soou de marabilla.

Si, hai vida alén da <a href="http://aouriceira.blogsome.com/go.php?http://www.monografias.com/trabajos11/vidrio/vidrio.shtml">importancia económica do vidro e a <a href="http://aouriceira.blogsome.com/go.php?http://www.alken-murray.com/Phophorous.html">xeoquímica do fósforo.

<a href="http://aouriceira.blogsome.com/go.php?http://www.arngren.dk/image/Wallpaper/Comic/Calvin%20Hobbes/yukon_1024.jpg">Tigers know their stripes
Tigers know their game
But we are all so busy
Thinking people look at us
We miss the miracle in their eyes

And tigers also do a little act
When they know they are being checked out
But you are not being studied
No, you are not being judged
There is no BBC crew waiting for you to screw

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